
01 August 2024

Flanders takes new measures to tackle illegal employment through international subcontracting

Employers need to check a number of documents before working with subcontractors occupying foreign workers.

13 June 2024

A dismissal during sick leave is not in itself discriminatory

Workers who are dismissed during sick leave often claim to be discriminated on the grounds of their state of health. A dismissal is however not automatically discriminatory, just because of its timing.

24 May 2024

Workers on infertility treatment or medically assisted reproduction are protected against

Employers who dismiss a worker for reasons related to infertility treatment or MAR will be sanctioned.

26 April 2024

Employment of foreign workers: amendment of the cooperation agreement on economic migration

The Belgian Cooperation Agreement signed on 22 March 2024 amends the existing Cooperation Agreement (2018) on the occupation of foreign workers. It concerns several categories of foreign workers for which specific European directives have been adopted.

08 March 2024

Grounds for dismissal under a fixed-term contract: the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled

In a decision of 20 February 2024, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that Member States may not provide that the early termination of a fixed-term employment contract does not have to be justified in writing, whereas this obligation exists for open-ended employment agreements.

15 February 2024

GDPR: Employers who get hacked could be held liable

A company that suffers a cyberattack may be required to compensate for the damage caused.

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