Specialists in social law.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Sotra's expertise encompasses all branches of labor law, social security law and HR tax law, in the private and public sector.

Our services

As rigorous, pragmatic and responsive Lawyers, we offer our services mainly to companies of all sizes and public employers. The absolute quality of our work and the control of your costs are at the heart of our concerns.

TeamOur lawyers

The expertise of Sotra's lawyers focuses exclusively on employment law and income tax in the field of human resources. Their experience is solidly built on many years of practice, advising a wide diversity of demanding clients

OfficesWhere to find us

Our practice is 100% digital: we offer our services online, by videoconference and by phone. But we do of course have offices in Brussels and Namur, because sometimes it is convenient (and pleasant) to meet each other in person!
13 June 2024

A dismissal during sick leave is not in itself discriminatory

Workers who are dismissed during sick leave often claim to be discriminated on the grounds of their state of health. A dismissal is however not automatically discriminatory, just because of its timing.

24 May 2024

Workers on infertility treatment or medically assisted reproduction are protected against

Employers who dismiss a worker for reasons related to infertility treatment or MAR will be sanctioned.

26 April 2024

Employment of foreign workers: amendment of the cooperation agreement on economic migration

The Belgian Cooperation Agreement signed on 22 March 2024 amends the existing Cooperation Agreement (2018) on the occupation of foreign workers. It concerns several categories of foreign workers for which specific European directives have been adopted.



All podcasts
SoCast is a podcast produced by the law firm Sotra. We comment on the essential legislative and jurisprudential news in social law, in the private sector and the public sector.

AgendaUpcoming events

All events
As well-regarded specialists, Sotra's lawyers are regularly invited to speak during seminars and conferences on topics of social and fiscal law.
03.09.24 From 12:00 to 13:30
Virtual classroom, , 1050 Bruxelles
Webinaire | Elections sociales de 2024 : Missions et fonctionnement du CE et du CPPT
Speaker : Noël Lambert
Organization : Sotra

Les élections sociales sont terminées. Les nouveaux CE et CPPT sont en cours d’installation. L’employeur doit désormais mener la concertation sociale.

Nous vous proposons un webinaire consacré aux missions et au fonctionnement des organes de concertation sociale.

Au cours de ce webinaire, nous examinerons les thématiques suivantes :

  • La distinction entre le CE, le CPPT et la délégation syndicale
  • Les pouvoirs des organes de concertation sociale
  • Les missions du CE et du CPPT
  • Les règles de fonctionnement des organes
  • Le temps et les facilités nécessaires à l’exercice du mandat
  • ...

Information and registration
12.09.24 From 12:00 to 13:30
Virtual classroom
Webinar | Sociale verkiezingen 2024 : Bevoegdheden en werking van de sociale overlegorganen
Speaker : Marian Dewaersegger
Organization : Sotra

De sociale verkiezingen zijn voorbij. De installatie van de nieuw verkozen organen is achter de rug of vindt binnenkort plaats. Vanaf nu is het aan de werkgever om het sociaal overleg in goede banen te leiden. 

Wij nodigen u dan ook graag uit voor een webinar over de bevoegdheden en de werking van de sociale overlegorganen.

Tijdens dit vijfde en laatste webinar in onze reeks over de sociale verkiezingen, zullen we de volgende onderwerpen behandelen:

  • Het onderscheid tussen de ondernemingsraad, het CPBW en de vakbondsafvaardiging
  • De bevoegdheden van sociale overlegorganen
  • De taken van de OR en het CPBW
  • De regels inzake de werking van de organen
  • De tijd en faciliteiten die nodig zijn om het mandaat uit te voeren


Information and registration
15.10.24 From 14:00 to 17:30
La gestion des incapacités de travail, une approche pratique et transversale
Speaker : Valentin Hanquet
Organization : NCOI Learning

Au cours de cette formation, nous abordons tous les aspects pratiques et juridiques de l'incapacité de travail, pour les travailleurs et les employeurs du secteur privé.

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