Large companies
Sotra assists many large companies representing key sectors of our economy, from transport, through distribution, health institutions, to finance and retail. Our services for companies include include:

International mobility and foreign executives
We assist our clients in all kinds of international mobility situations: posting, transfer, expatriation, the special tax regime for foreign executives, salary splits, etc. We assist them in complying with tax and social security obligations, as well as with a review of existing situations. We provide solutions aimed at limiting the costs associated with international mobility.
We are part of ELLINT, an international network of law firms specialised in social law. This allows us to propose an internationally coordinated approach.
Audit and optimisation of salary packages
Besides basic salary, most companies offer their staff non-statutory benefits and variable pay. It is however important to comply with the tax and social security regulations, when making use of alternative compensation solutions.
We can carry out a full audit of the current situation. We immediately identify the practices that need reviewing and identify opportunities that you may have overlooked thus far.
Furthermore, we assist you with the implemention of all the suggested changes.
Managing complex HR issues
Most large companies have an HR or legal department to handle employment law matters, comprised of one or more specialists in social law.
We work hand in hand with your HR and legal people when you face complex or fundamental issues that need outside support.
In these kinds of situations, our employment law expertise and access to an extensive repository of documentation mean your internal specialists can focus on their jobs.
Complex end-of-career negotiations
Some departures from the company merit special attention and treatment due to the strategic or financial issues at stake.
We support you in every stage of these sensitive cases: preparation and calculations, presentation of the various scenarios, proposition of the out-of-service package, and confidential negotiations.
Where possible, we pursue a win-win solution for both parties.
Relationships with employee representatives
We advise our clients with questions regarding their works council, health and safety at work committee and trade union delegation.
We also offer assistance in workforce negotiations, industrial disputes (strikes, lock-outs) or dismissal procedures involving protected employees.
Furthermore, we help you with the organization of your social elections (including appeal procedures).
Disputes before the labour courts
When a dispute arises, we encourage our clients to negotiate a settlement. However, in some cases, litigation just cannot be avoided.
Sotra's lawyers regularly plead before the labour courts in proceedings conducted in French and Dutch. Our experience covers both individual and collective disputes, classically involving the dismissal of employee representatives, strikes or reorganisations.
If both sides agree to mediation, we also guide our clients through that process.
Assistance in dealing with the authorities in audit procedures
In case of an audit (e.g. social security, labour inspectorate, health and safety at work inspectorate), we help you to prepare the visit and the hearings of the inspection service. We analyse the situation and identify the potential issues to be discussed.
We accompany you during any interrogation and advise you on strategic decisions. We negotiate with the authorities and represent you before the labour inspectorate and in the civil or criminal proceedings instituted as a result of these inspections, if necessary.
Public sector
Sotra assists public authorities, at all levels, as well as many public interest bodies, "intercommunales", public companies and associations. We advise them in their relations (individual or collective) with their contractual and statutory civil servants and assist them in court proceedings. Our expertise for such public sector employers encompasses a wide range of issues, including:

Advice regarding reorganizations, loans of personnel and transfers of business
Employers in the public sector can also be required to adjust their organization and ways of working. This can entail the restructuring, termination or transfer of certain parts of their business.
Our lawyers assist employers in the public sector in developing specific solutions to make these operations possible, considering the specificities of the public sector’s regulatory framework.
We put our experience at service during the negotiations with the social partners and during the practical implementation of the reorganization.
Social protection
We advise public employers in their dealings with social security institutions (NSSO, ...) and during audits of inspection services.
We assist them in the follow-up of cases involving work accidents or occupational diseases.
We also represent them before the competent Tribunals and Courts in these matters
Disciplinary procedure
We accompany employers in the public sector from the early stages of the disciplinary process, by offering them a fast and personalized advice as well as assistance in drafting the various procedural acts (motivation, respect of formalities and deadlines, ...). We can also assist during the worker's hearing.
Our experience covers the disciplinary regime applicable to statutory civil servants, but also the implementation and monitoring of disciplinary procedures concerning contractual agents.
Dismissal of contractual civil servants
Sotra's lawyers have gained extensive experience in the dismissal of contractual civil servants in the public sector, including dismissal for serious cause.
They ensure that the proposed dismissal meets the legal requirements imposed by the labor law (calculation of notice, outplacement, ...) but also new constraints that now apply specifically to public employers including motivation and prior hearing of the worker.
They accompany public employers in the implementation of the specific statutory procedures or procedures proper to the organisation.
Setting out the grounds for individual decisions
When a dispute arises over the implementation of legal, statutory or contractual provisions, we try to find a negotiated solution with the employee in order to avoid as far as possible a court procedure.
We assist public employers in the formalization of the decisions they take in this context.
Where appropriate, we discuss with the public employer how to adjust the administrative status to prevent further litigation in the future.
Where proceedings are nonetheless unavoidable, we will defend the interests of the employer before the Tribunals and Courts and the Council of state.
Update of statutes, work regulations and employment contracts
The administrative and financial “staff regulation” constitutes the central instrument for regulating the working relationship between the public authority and its statutory civil servants. It is also often used as a reference, more or less explicit, for contractual civil servants.
Since the act of 18 December 2002, public employers are also obliged to have work rules whose provisions apply to both their contractual and statutory civil servants.
We update and harmonize these legal instruments and propose changes that, given the specific legal framework in which your organization evolves, are likely to meet the HR challenges you face.
We also provide you with models of employment contracts (white-collar and blue-collar workers, students, etc.).
Management of HR issues concerning contractual and/or statutory civil servants
We assist HR departments to answer daily questions that may arise from the application of the social law and/or the administrative status of their organization in terms of recruitment, promotion, working time, sick leave, remuneration, mobility, ...
Our in-depth knowledge of social legislation applicable to the public sector, as well as practices in use at other employers in the public sector, allows us to offer practical, tailor-made and innovative solutions.
Sotra's service offering for SME's is broad and tailor-made to their size and specific requirements. Our range of services specially aimed at SMEs includes:

Day-to-day management of employment law questions
We realise how important it is for clients that we are immediately available to assist with day-to-day HR questions. In most cases, we will give you an answer on the spot, and confirm it in an email.
For more complex questions, we provide you with advice within your agreed deadline and in a form that suits you best: simple written advice or a more detailed memorandum.
Individual and collective employment conflicts
When a dispute arises, we encourage our clients to negotiate a settlement. However, in some cases, litigation just cannot be avoided.
Sotra's lawyers regularly plead before the labour courts in proceedings conducted in French and Dutch. Our experience covers both individual and collective disputes, classically involving the dismissal of employee representatives, strikes or reorganisations.
If both sides agree to mediation, we also guide our clients through that process.
Audit and optimisation of salary packages
Besides basic salary, most companies offer their staff non-statutory benefits and variable pay. It is however important to comply with the tax and social security regulations, when making use of alternative compensation solutions.
We can carry out a full audit of the current situation. We immediately identify the practices that need reviewing and identify opportunities that you may have overlooked thus far.
Furthermore, we assist you with the implemention of all the suggested changes.
Work schedules, flexibility and new ways of working
In this highly regulated area, we help you to introduce the working methods that best meet your operational needs: flexible working hours, floating hours, small and large flexibility, night work, etc.
We also assist you in the implementation of remote working.
Optimising work regulations and procedures
Work rules are an essential document in any company. Apart from their compulsory parts, we will recommend optional provisions designed to protect your company’s interests in an efficient manner.
Our offer includes an audit of your current work rules and internal procedures (internet, car policy, etc.), followed by a review of the relevant documentation for an agreed, fixed fee.
Relationships with employee representatives (‘social partners’)
We assist you with all your questions relating to the works council, the healt and safety committee at work and the trade union delegation: setting up in-house staff elections, by-laws, powers and remits, relations with staff representatives, etc.
Our offer also includes support during social conciliations, collective conflicts (strikes, lock-outs), as well as the representation of your company during dismissal procedures of protected workers.
Finally, before the installation of these bodies, we offer you a tailor-made training on their tasks and functioning.
Assistance in dealing with the authorities in audit procedures
In case of an audit (e.g. social security, labour inspectorate, health and safety at work inspectorate), we help you to prepare the visit and the hearings of the inspection service. We analyse the situation and identify the potential issues to be discussed.
We accompany you during any interrogation and advise you on strategic decisions. We negotiate with the authorities and represent you before the labour inspectorate and in the civil or criminal proceedings instituted as a result of these inspections, if necessary.
Sotra assists start-ups from day one. We have developed a range of tailor-made legal services to ensure a solid start in the complex world of labour law. Our fees take careful account of the specific needs of these new businesses, and include in particular:

Sets of employment papers and check-lists for starters
All start-ups have to deal with a whole range of paperwork, from employment contracts through work rules, IT policy, car policy, etc. We provide a complete set of useful templates, which we review together with you and customise to your needs.
We also provide check-lists enabling you to ensure full compliance with current social legislation.
Assistance in setting up salary packages and benefits
In addition to fixed salary, you could offer your employees, managers and supervisors a whole range of benefits which are beneficial for both parties from a tax and social security perspective.
We will present to you all the existing possibilities and help you to implement them in a sure and advantageous way.
Ad hoc hotline assistance
When you’re faced with questions in the area of employment law, you can always reach us over the phone. In most cases, we will give you the answer you are looking for right a way, followed by a confirmation email.
With this service, you know immediately what procedure to follow, and avoid the pitfalls, at a reasonable cost.
Internal practice-oriented training (for lawyers and non-lawyers)
We have developed a whole range of training courses covering a range of specialist topics including recruitment, salary packages, employment rights or severance rules. These courses are practice-oriented and profusely illustrated with examples and case studies. Your HR managers and line management alike will easily get to grips with the concepts they need to understand in their day-to-day jobs, even if they aren’t social law experts.
Executives and directors
We assist company directors (and the companies that employ them) in defining their social and tax status and in negotiating their contractual conditions. We help companies to set up their board by proposing the appropriate status for its members.