Specialists in social law.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Sotra's expertise encompasses all branches of labor law, social security law and HR tax law, in the private and public sector.

Our services

As rigorous, pragmatic and responsive Lawyers, we offer our services mainly to companies of all sizes and public employers. The absolute quality of our work and the control of your costs are at the heart of our concerns.

TeamOur lawyers

The expertise of Sotra's lawyers focuses exclusively on employment law and income tax in the field of human resources. Their experience is solidly built on many years of practice, advising a wide diversity of demanding clients

OfficesWhere to find us

Our practice is 100% digital: we offer our services online, by videoconference and by phone. But we do of course have offices in Brussels and Namur, because sometimes it is convenient (and pleasant) to meet each other in person!
19 December 2024

New Private Investigations Act regulates employers' ability to conduct workplace investigations

A transparent framework is now required for employers who want to use an external or internal private investigator to gather evidence.

14 November 2024

Artificial intelligence in HR: new perspectives and regulations

As AI becomes more prevalent in HR, employers will face new obligations, including those related to GDPR

31 October 2024

GDPR: compensation can take the form of a simple apology

In it ruling of 4 October 2024, the Court of Justice of the European Union rules on the conditions for determining compensation for damage resulting from a breach of the GDPR.



All podcasts
SoCast is a podcast produced by the law firm Sotra. We comment on the essential legislative and jurisprudential news in social law, in the private sector and the public sector.

AgendaUpcoming events

All events
As well-regarded specialists, Sotra's lawyers are regularly invited to speak during seminars and conferences on topics of social and fiscal law.
13.02.25 From 12:30 to 14:30
Les Après-midi du Droit social
Speaker : Noël Lambert
Organization : Sotra HR Lawyers

Comme à l’accoutumée, nous passerons en revue notre sélection de jurisprudence inédite, ainsi que les dernières nouveautés législatives importantes du trimestre écoulé, en droit social. Une partie spéciale sera consacrée aux mesures contenues dans le nouvel accord de majorité, adopté par le gouvernement fédéral.

Information and registration
18.02.25 From 12:00 to 14:00
Middaguur sociaal recht
Speaker : Marian Dewaersegger
Organization : Sotra HR Lawyers

Naar goede gewoonte overlopen wij naast markante rechtspraak ook de belangrijkste evoluties in de wetgeving van het voorbije trimester. We bieden daarnaast ook een overzicht van de maatregelen uit het nieuwe regeerakkoord.

Information and registration
18.02.25 From 14:00 to 16:00
Les Après-midi de la Fonction publique
Speaker : Jonathan de Wilde d’Estmael
Organization : Sotra HR Lawyers

Comme à l’accoutumée, nous passerons en revue notre sélection de jurisprudence, ainsi que l'actualité législative du trimestre écoulé en droit social, intéressant spécifiquement les employeurs du secteur public. Une partie spéciale sera consacrée aux mesures contenues dans le nouvel accord de majorité, adopté par le gouvernement fédéral.

Information and registration
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